AWARE Newsletter - January 15, 2014

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Join Us on the Journey to a Healthy New Year!

Snowy Road

Happy New Year from momsAWARE! Are you hoping to use fewer chemicals in 2014? Are your sights set on healthier eating? We would love to help you meet those goals.

We invite you to participate in our momsAWARE Natural Year Challenges. We have two tracks broken up into 10 steps, and each step can take up to one month to complete. We even give you a two-month break to catch up!

Household CleanersOur Natural Year Challenge: Household Edition walks you through the process of slowly reducing chemical use, while learning the chemistry behind natural alternatives such as white vinegar and baking soda. Cleaning has never been so fun! You'll love the peace of mind from knowing you're cleaning with safe, natural products.Healthy Snacks

Our Natural Year Challenge: Food Edition helps you find sources for high quality food while assisting you in making your food delicious! We'll cover soaking and sprouting, fermentation, bone stock, and much more. You'll be surprised at just how easy it is to feed your family using age-old traditions.

The best part? There's no charge for the momsAWARE Natural Year Challenges! Simply use the links above to join in on one or both, then continue at your own pace.

Changes are made one small step at a time. If you missed our Toxic Talk Tuesday radio broadcast talking about these "Baby Steps" and how to get started, visit our Radio Interviews page to listen to the archived audio. It may be just the encouragement you need to take that first step toward healthier living!

We'd love your feedback as you make this journey in 2014. Email us anytime at

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year,

Andrea Fabry, Founder and President

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