What's New at momsAWARE . . .
Is Your House Making You Sick?
Are you curious about the hype over toxic mold? Have you experienced a mold exposure and are unsure of your next step? This valuable resource from momsAWARE's Andrea Fabry is designed to help you navigate your way through mold testing, remediation, exposure symptoms, detox methods, cross-contamination issues, legal recourse, and much more! It's a handy, concise guide offering hope and help for anyone concerned about indoor air quality and its effect on human health. Now available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions: Is Your House Making You Sick? A Beginner's Guide to Toxic Mold.
Natural Year Challenge: Month One
The New Year is a great time to begin the momsAWARE Natural Year Challenge! We'll take you month by month through 10 steps toward healthier living in the following two areas. Pick one or both and join us on the journey!
- Natural Year Challenge: Household Edition
Buy Five. The switch to using natural, chemical-free cleaning products in your home begins with five supplies that will arm you with everything you need. Don't worry about making or using them yet; your job is simply to find them! See our Month One Household Challenge for details and a video by Andrea to help you in your quest!
- Natural Year Challenge: Food Edition
Explore Your Sources. We'll give you ideas for both online and local food sources. Food co-ops, farmers markets, and organic buying clubs are on the rise, so chances are there's a local supplier near you! See our Month One Food Challenge for some great suggestions and an encouraging video by Andrea to help you get the research started!
Open a Window for Your Health!
Ventilation is one of the biggest factors when considering the health of a living environment. Unfortunately, ventilation takes a back seat when cold weather hits. Instinctively we close the windows and turn up the heat. In doing so, are we putting our comfort ahead of our well-being? See our article Open a Window, Even in the Winter! and find out why allowing in a bit of fresh outdoor air may offer an important health boost during the colder months!
Our modern clothing industry is a $7 trillion enterprise utilizing more than 8,000 synthetic chemicals. Are we paying a price with our health? What are the hidden hazards of polyester, spandex, and acrylic fabrics? Don't miss our look at Friendly Fabrics for Toxic-Free Fashion, including a helpful list of natural, organic clothing manufacturers.
Life with Less Plastic
Looking to reduce your use of plastic around the home? You're not alone. Many of us are aware of the increasing concern over endocrine-disrupting chemicals and other hazards associated with plastics. See Life with Less Plastic: 10 Simple Steps for resources to help you become better informed and practical ideas for cutting back on your use of plastics in the home.
Choosing a Mold Remediator
Tackling a serious mold issue yourself can often make matters worse, as opening up a wall without proper containment can easily exacerbate the problem. But finding a qualified mold remediator who understands the potential hazards of improper remediation can be difficult. See How to Choose a Mold Remediation Company for eight questions to ask before making a hiring decision.
Toxic Mold: You Are Not Alone
Those who have experienced ill health due to toxic mold exposure often feel isolated, and even crazy. Toxic Mold: You Are Not Alone will assure you that many are struggling with feelings of isolation, desperation, desolation, and panic. We share excerpts of emails received in a three-week period in 2018 in hopes that, if you're dealing with a mold exposure, these will validate your own experience and help lessen your feelings of isolation.
Building Relationships: Toxins in Our Home
momsAWARE's Andrea Fabry joins Dr. Gary Chapman to tell her compelling story of sick children, a sick home, and the radical decisions that affected her marriage, family, and future—and led her down a path toward helping others with the knowledge she gained on the journey. If you missed this inspiring broadcast, listen online to our Building Relationships Interview.
What Is Building Biology?
How important is the relationship between our health and our indoor environment? Can natural building materials really make a difference in our homes, offices, and schools? Building Biology studies these questions and offers 25 guiding principles for safe, health-supporting building practices. See our article explaining What Is Building Biology? to find out more!
"How I Survived Toxic Mold" Have you experienced a serious toxic mold exposure or know someone who has? These stories will encourage anyone walking through this difficult valley. Read the accounts of several fellow travelers who have made it to the other side in our Mold Survival Stories. |