Natural Year Challenge: Month One
The New Year is a great time to begin the momsAWARE Natural Year Challenge! We'll take you month by month through 10 steps toward healthier living in the following two areas. Pick one or both and join us on the journey!
- Natural Year Challenge: Household Edition
Buy Five. The switch to using natural, chemical-free cleaning products in your home begins with five supplies that will arm you with everything you need. Don't worry about making or using them yet; your job is simply to find them! See our Month One Household Challenge for details and a video by Andrea to help you in your quest!
- Natural Year Challenge: Food Edition
Explore Your Sources. We'll give you ideas for both online and local food sources. Food co-ops, farmers markets, and organic buying clubs are on the rise, so chances are there's a local supplier near you! See our Month One Food Challenge for some great suggestions and an encouraging video by Andrea to help you get the research started!